Running Llama 3.1 70B on a Single Consumer-Grade GPU (RTX 4090 24GB) at 60 Tokens/s

Ubaada 20-09-2024 0 views |

Llama 3 is a series of large language models released by Meta AI in July 2024. It comes in different sizes, including 7B, 70B, and the largest, 400B parameters. The 70B model, with 70 billion parameters, requires 140 GB of VRAM for weights alone in the default FP16 precision (since each parameter takes 2 bytes). It is suppose to be on par with many leading LLMs and better than the famous GPT 3.5 which people came to know as 'ChatGPT'.

Llama 3.1 MMLU score
MMLU score for Llama 3.1.Source


I was able to get a RTX 4090 machine with the following specs for cheap (0.3 USD / hour) on Vast AI. I recommend reading the note at the end of the post if you want to go ahead with using it.

|      Instance               |
| GPU: 1 x RTX 4090 (24 GB VRAM, 82.2 TFLOPS)  |
| CPU: Xeon® E5-2695 v3 (16 cores)             |
| RAM: 64 GB                                   |
| Running PyTorch 2.2.0 + CUDA 12.1            |

Model Selection

Normally a model of this size would require a cluster of GPUs to run. Since our GPU only has 24 GB, it can't fit 140 GB model into memory. We need a trick called weight quantization to compress the weights in memory. As it is not a lossless process there is some impact to the model's overall quality. I am using 'Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-IQ2_XS.gguf' from HuggingFace, which is a 2 bpw (2 bits per weight) version of the original model. This reduces the size by roughly 8-fold, from 140 GB down to 21.1 GB, fitting just under our GPU's limit.

Running the Model

Download the model from HuggingFace.

pip install -U "huggingface_hub[cli]"
huggingface-cli download bartowski/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-GGUF --include "Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-IQ2_XS.gguf" --local-dir ./

Normally, you'd run GGUF models with something like llama.cpp but I was unable to get it or koboldCpp to work with the GPU. Ollama is the one which worked for me.

Install Ollama

curl -fsSL | sh

Although this step isn't listed in the Ollama instructions for using a GGUF model, you need to start the server first in a separate terminal.

ollama serve

Conitnue with the provided instructions to run the GGUF model. Create a file called Modelfile with the following contents which points to the file location.

FROM ./Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-IQ2_XS.gguf

Create the Ollama model and then run it.

# Create the Ollama model
ollama create example -f Modelfile
# Run the model
ollama run example

That's it. A chat prompt will open up. I was able to get decent speed of around 60 tokens / second. It consumed about 21GB of VRAM.

Nvitop Screenshot
GPU consumption (nvitop)
