The plot is showing the correlation with images marked attractive in
CelebA dataset
with the features they have. CelebA or Large-scale CelebFaces Attributes is a
dataset published with the paper Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild. The dataset contains images of celebarities with various facial features
like Gray_Hair
, Wearing_Necktie
and an additional column named
. They are all marked in binary -1/1 for yes/no like
image | 5_o_Clock_Shadow | Arched_Eyebrows | Attractive | Bags_Under_Eyes | Bald | Bangs | Big_Lips | Big_Nose | Black_Hair | Blond_Hair | Blurry | Brown_Hair | Bushy_Eyebrows | Chubby | Double_Chin | Eyeglasses | Goatee | Gray_Hair | Heavy_Makeup | High_Cheekbones | Male | Mouth_Slightly_Open | Mustache | Narrow_Eyes | No_Beard | Oval_Face | Pale_Skin | Pointy_Nose | Receding_Hairline | Rosy_Cheeks | Sideburns | Smiling | Straight_Hair | Wavy_Hair | Wearing_Earrings | Wearing_Hat | Wearing_Lipstick | Wearing_Necklace | Wearing_Necktie | Young |
image | -1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 1 | 1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | 1 | -1 | -1 | 1 |
According to who? Bias:
Due to the subjective nature of the question I should, first of all, clarify who and how the data was labelled. It's mentioned in the paper:
Each image in CelebA and LFWA is annotated with forty face attributes and five key points by a professional labeling company
The paper is published by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, It's likely labelled by a local company reflecting the local preferences and biases. Ultimately it is their interpretation of a subjective thing.
I'm using Huggingface's datasets library for accessing the dataset. Pandas and Matplotlib for further processing and visualisation respectively.
1. Import libraries and load the:
from datasets import load_dataset
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset('tpremoli/CelebA-attrs')
2. Drop the non-numeric columns
trim_dataset = dataset.remove_columns(['image','prompt_string', 'Blurry'])
df = pd.DataFrame(trim_dataset['train'])
3. Calculate the correlation of 'Attractive' column with other numeric columns.
# Calculate correlation with the "Attractive" feature
correlation = df.corrwith(df['Attractive'])
correlation = correlation.drop('Attractive')
# Sort values for better visualization
sorted_correlation = correlation.sort_values()
We've also dropped the column that we're comparing other columns with for cleaner visualisation. The correlation of a column with itself is always going to be 1 anyway. That is not insightful.
4. Plot the data.
import numpy as np #for color interpolation
# Plotting General
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
# Map correlation values to colors indicating direction and magnitude with RdYlGn colormap.
colors = [plt.get_cmap('RdYlGn')(i) for i in np.interp(sorted_correlation, (min(sorted_correlation), max(sorted_correlation)), (0, 1))]
sorted_correlation.plot(kind='bar', color = colors)
plt.title('Correlation of Features with Attractiveness (Men and Women)')
plt.ylabel('Correlation Coefficient')
We're coloring the bars here into positive (green) and negative (red). We're also using a gradient of colors with magnitude of correlation so the bars at the either end are darker.
Below are some further plots I thought would be interesting to see.
There's a column (Male) that marks whether the image is of a male or not. We can filter the dataset and plot the correlations separately.
#male and female only df. based on where the column 'Male' is 1 or -1
df_men = df[df['Male'] == 1].drop(columns='Male')
df_women = df[df['Male'] == -1].drop(columns='Male')
# men only correlation
men_correlation = df_men.corrwith(df["Attractive"])
men_correlation = men_correlation.drop(['Attractive', 'Wearing_Lipstick'])
men_sorted_correlation = men_correlation.sort_values(ascending=False)
# women only correlation
women_correlation = df_women.corrwith(df["Attractive"])
women_correlation = women_correlation.drop(['Attractive', 'Mustache', 'No_Beard', '5_o_Clock_Shadow', 'Goatee', 'Bald'])
women_sorted_correlation = women_correlation.sort_values(ascending=False)
Then plot the graphs as before.
The spread plots are calculated by first computing a count of positive
features present in each sample. The count is weighted by the correlation
coefficient of that feature with the Attractive column. Artificial
features Heavy_Makeup
, Wearing_Lipstick
were dropped. The absence of a negatively
correlated features isn't counted against the sample.
# Create a new DataFrame, here it's a simple copy of 'df' for demonstration
att_sum_df = df.copy()
# drop non natural columns
natural_correlation = correlation.drop(columns=['Heavy_Makeup', 'Wearing_Lipstick', 'Wearing_Earrings', 'Wearing_Necklace', 'Wearing_Necktie', 'Wearing_Hat'])
# Add an index column
att_sum_df['index'] = range(len(att_sum_df))
# Initialize 'attractive_sum' column to 0
att_sum_df['attractive_sum'] = 0
# Iterate over column names. dataframe['column'] can select the entire column across all rows
for feature in natural_correlation.index:
# this multiplies the entire 'feature' column with its correlation value
# and adds it to the 'attractive_sum' column
# Only marks the presence of the feature, not its absence
att_sum_df['attractive_sum'] += (att_sum_df[feature] == 1) * natural_correlation[feature]
bins = 400
# calculate the symmetric range from all distribution plots
import math
x_range = max(abs(att_sum_df['attractive_sum'].min()), abs(att_sum_df['attractive_sum'].max()))
x_range = math.ceil(x_range)
# Plot the distribution of 'attractive_sum'
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.hist(att_sum_df['attractive_sum'], bins=bins)
plt.title('Attractive Features Distribution')
plt.xlabel('Attractive Features Weighted Sum')
plt.xlim(-x_range, x_range)
# Plot the distribution for Men only
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.hist(att_sum_df[df['Male'] == 1]['attractive_sum'], bins=bins)
plt.title('Attractive Features Distribution (Men Only)')
plt.xlabel('Attractive Features Weighted Sum')
plt.xlim(-x_range, x_range)
# Women only
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.hist(att_sum_df[df['Male'] == -1]['attractive_sum'], bins=bins)
plt.title('Attractive Features Distribution (Women Only)')
plt.xlabel('Attractive Features Weighted Sum')
plt.xlim(-x_range, x_range)
You can use the weighted sum column to sort and filter images.Following is top
5 and bottom 5 where High_Cheekbones == 1
. This disparity in
the plots above is showing in the sample images.
display_top_bottom_images(att_sum_df[(att_sum_df['High_Cheekbones'] == 1)], dataset, n=5)
I am using a simple function I wrote for this for picking out top 5 or bottom 5 images and stichting them together.
You can download the python notebook here.